Note: Our streaming platform is live and we are ready to welcome back our old subscribers. If you had made a purchase, we invite you to write to us at with subject: “Reactivate”

Update: We have sent invitations to all our old subscribers, if you have not received the invite, please write to us.

An (updated) note for the community

This note is going to be a bit longer than our last, but we have a feeling you won’t mind :-).

As promised, we are (re)launching our marquee courses along with our streaming platform.

It’s taken us much longer than what we imagined, or planned for. Reasons are many, some external that we had little control over, a few internal that we wish we had controlled better!

As we look back over the year, the changes around us have brought in a lot of friction in our lives. Our current launch is an effort to simplify and remove some of this friction away.

Product update:

(Detailed note on the  product)

We have simplified the terminology - our product names are now intuitive and reflect what they stand for.

We have changed the user interface, we like it more - we hope you do too.

We have also tried to make our courses more accessible. Earlier, one had to purchase  different courses separately - with the launch of our membership plans, that friction is no longer there. Your annual membership allows access to all courses within the plan’s ambit. We hope you like the change!

This launch is very much a work in progress. Over the coming months, you’d notice new features and a lot more content getting added. There would also be changes “under the hood”, as we try to make your experience better.

A note to our old subscribers:

Many of you have written to us, so we know you have been waiting for this launch!  We would be in touch with you over the coming weeks to (progressively) onboard you to the new platform, so do keep an eye on your inbox.

A note to our stakeholders:

We wouldn’t be where we are without our stakeholders (employees - past and present, customers, mentors, partners, share holders and our well-wishers). We know the ride has been bumpy, but you have trusted us so far, sometimes even when it seemed like a stretch.

The last couple of years have been more stressful than most of us have seen in our entire lives.

Some of you are aware, at least partially, of the challenges that we have had to face. Most of you are waiting for us to deliver good on the promises that we made, so we will say this - we will do the best that we can!

Plan going forward:

The issues arose in the first place largely because an investment from some very credible investors that we were banking on vanished overnight in the wake of the pandemic. While many businesses shut down - we tried to do the right thing and revived the business under severe constraints, primarily to make good on our promise to make things right.

We are all privy to the prevailing economic situation, and challenges that companies are up against. In the backdrop of this macro-economic situation, we cannot rely on external resources and need to use the ones available at our disposal now to fix the issues.

We have already fixed some major issues, and trying to fix others through creative proposals. One way is using our newly upgraded platform to create monetization opportunities in partnership with our mentors and use the cashflows to solve our issues. We have discussed this with a few stakeholders and hope this would gain traction once people realize the sincerity of our intent.

We are immensely grateful to everyone who has supported us in our journey! We will do right by everyone, please help us help you.

We wish you all a peaceful, healthy and fulfilling 2023!

Wish us good luck! We’ll be in touch.