Bootcamp Session - 6 (8 June, 24; 11:00 ET, 17:00 CET, 20:30 IST): "Office Hour" by GM Boris Avrukh
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Basic Endgames

End Game
Basic Endgames
Basics of the endgame theory.
R B Ramesh
R B Ramesh

Winner FIDE's Mark Dvoretsky Award 2018 (for best trainer of juniors)

The endgame is the final phase of a chess game, and understanding how to play the endgame well can be the key to winning many games. While endgames can be complex and difficult to master, there are a few basic endgames that all chess players should be familiar with. In this video, we will explore some of the most important basic endgames in chess. We'll also look at common endgame pitfalls and how to avoid them.

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