Bootcamp Session - 6 (8 June, 24; 11:00 ET, 17:00 CET, 20:30 IST): "Office Hour" by GM Boris Avrukh
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Dream Room

Tactical Theme Part 3: Decoy & Deflection

Middle Game
Tactical Theme Part 3: Decoy & Deflection
What are decoys and deflection in chess?
R B Ramesh
R B Ramesh

Winner FIDE's Mark Dvoretsky Award 2018 (for best trainer of juniors)

Decoy and Deflection are two important tactical motifs in which a player uses one of their pieces to lure or distract an opponent's piece, allowing for a different piece to attack or capture it. These techniques are often used in combination to create strong threats and win material. In this video, we will look at several different examples of Decoys and Deflections and discuss how to create and defend against these tactical motifs. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, this video will give you a deeper understanding of the important concepts of Decoy and Deflection in chess and how they can impact the outcome of a game.

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