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Korchnoi vs Ivanchuk: Mastering Endgame Imbalances

End Game
Korchnoi vs Ivanchuk: Mastering Endgame Imbalances
Unravel the art of endgame imbalances in this classic duel
R B Ramesh
R B Ramesh

Winner FIDE's Mark Dvoretsky Award 2018 (for best trainer of juniors)

Explore a legendary endgame encounter between two of chess’s greatest minds—Viktor Korchnoi and Vassily Ivanchuk—during the 1989 Tilburg Tournament. In this intense battle, we witness how the slightest imbalances in piece activity and pawn structure can define the outcome of a game. Korchnoi, armed with a highly active rook and well-positioned knight, creates opportunities by exploiting Ivanchuk’s passive bishop and weaker pawn structure. Through detailed analysis, you’ll learn how to recognize and exploit such imbalances in your own games, converting small advantages into victories. This lesson covers key concepts in endgame strategy, including how to manage dynamic piece activity, coordinate attacks, and outmaneuver your opponent even in seemingly equal positions.

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